Online Solicitation of a Minor in Texas
Defense Lawyer for Sex Crimes Cases
A lot of people would be surprised to discover what a criminal charge of “online solicitation of a minor” can really mean … and how someone could get charged with it.
You could be charged with online solicitation even if:
- You didn't have sexual contact.
- The person you were communicating with wasn't actually younger than 17 (but you believed they were).
- You were “sexting” using text messaging on your phone and not technically “online.”
- The “minor” was your girlfriend or boyfriend and the communication was consensual but they are under 17 and more than 3 years younger than you.
Whether you are innocent or you had a lapse in judgment, now you need a strong, compassionate criminal defense. I am McKinney criminal defense lawyer Matthew Maddox of Maddox Law. I know what's at stake for you and I'm prepared to stand by your side. Call my office at 972-546-2496 for immediate help.
Online Solicitation of a Minor is a Felony
Most online solicitation charges, and some sexting charges, are the result of sting operations – coordinated efforts between law enforcement agencies that result in multiple people being arrested all at the same time.
If you were arrested as part of a sting operation, you could be facing additional sex crimes charges as well.
A criminal charge for online solicitation of a minor is a third-degree felony if the person is 14-16. For a third-degree felony you could face penalties of 2 to 10 years in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.
That's certainly serious, but a big concern for many people is the possibility that they could be put on the sex offender registry for 10 years. That is a high price to pay. Get the quality legal defense you need to aggressively fight the charges against you.
Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney Who Fights
If you have been charged with a sex crime, you want an experienced lawyer on your side. I've been defending people's rights in Texas criminal court for more than 15 years. I've seen it all. You can count on me to put the full force of my courtroom experience behind your defense. You will never find a lawyer who will fight harder for you. Call my law office today at 972-546-2496 or contact me online.